Ready to work with WriteTouch?


Discovery Call

I look forward to meeting you through this Free 15-minute Consultation.

First, we will look at where you are now. Then we will discuss where you want to go and whether WriteTouch Consulting can help you get there.

Please fill in this questionnaire before the call.

1-Hour Exploration Call

Welcome to WTC's Exploration Meeting! If you are booking this 1-Hour Paid Consultation, then we have already had a Discovery Call, and you are ready to create MAGICK!

During this call, we will discuss your NPO's strengths, weaknesses, and obstacles. Then, we will IMAGINE something different and explore the possibilities to move you to the next level. After our call, you will receive a summarized discussion transcript, so you don't have to worry about missing a thing!

Current Client Call

Wow, I'm so excited to create MAGICK with you! 

During this 90-minute Zoom call, we will chat, set meeting schedules, and chat some more; after our call, you will receive a summarized discussion transcript, so you don't have to worry about missing a thing! 

 Are you ready to CREATE?

Board Training

Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any nonprofit, and WriteTouch Consulting addresses this through Board of Director Training.

This service focuses on equipping board members with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their roles effectively. Topics covered may include governance best practices, ethical considerations, financial stewardship, and strategic decision-making. Well-trained board members contribute significantly to the overall success and sustainability of nonprofits.

Grant Writing

Grant Writing (By invitation only): WriteTouch Consulting offers exclusive grant writing services, available by invitation only. This approach allows the consultancy to select projects that align with its expertise and values.

The grant writing process involves thorough research, proposal development, and strategic alignment with potential funders. By focusing on select projects, WriteTouch Consulting can provide dedicated attention to each client, increasing the likelihood of successful grant applications.